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Name that liberal sin

Rusty Houser
Gomezz Adddams
Shortie's Ex
Just Braying It
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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:51 am

Dr. Jones wrote:
Jammer wrote:If this isn't a sin, I don't know what is.  Progressive socialist liberals passing murder off as "medical research" is how these PERVERTED people think.  


Liberals are pure evil and the world needs to understand just how evil they are.  Evil must be wiped from the face of the earth and it all begins by driving a stake thru the heart of liberalism.  IT IS PURE EVIL

I'm sorry, where was the part where she said they were selling harvested organs?


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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Gomezz Adddams Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:51 am

BladeRunner wrote:
Jammer wrote:If this isn't a sin, I don't know what is.  Progressive socialist liberals passing murder off as "medical research" is how these PERVERTED people think.  


Liberals are pure evil and the world needs to understand just how evil they are.  Evil must be wiped from the face of the earth and it all begins by driving a stake thru the heart of liberalism.  IT IS PURE EVIL

Abortion is a poison on this nation. A curse.

Its amazing we haven't heard from any liberal that frequents this site to justify what Planned ParentHood has been doing.....

Too busy washing and ironing their LGBT Pride flags. Yay Gays! affraid
Gomezz Adddams
Gomezz Adddams

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:53 am

Gomezz Adddams wrote:
BladeRunner wrote:
Jammer wrote:If this isn't a sin, I don't know what is.  Progressive socialist liberals passing murder off as "medical research" is how these PERVERTED people think.  


Liberals are pure evil and the world needs to understand just how evil they are.  Evil must be wiped from the face of the earth and it all begins by driving a stake thru the heart of liberalism.  IT IS PURE EVIL

Abortion is a poison on this nation. A curse.

Its amazing we haven't heard from any liberal that frequents this site to justify what Planned ParentHood has been doing.....

Too busy washing and ironing their LGBT Pride flags. Yay Gays! affraid

They will soon be here with their "head fakes" and "arm fakes" to support their beloved planned parenthood.

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:20 am

The liberal wins (I call them SINS) keep adding up.  Today we are welcoming Cuban Communists into our nation’s capitol with the opening of their embassy.


This is on top of the recent giveaway agreement with the Islamic terrorist country of Iran which will GIVE them a nuclear weapon which will eventually threaten the safety of every American and Israeli.  Add to that Obama’s attempt to bypass our Constitution one more time by once again eroding the balance of power in this country and seeking to take power from our elected representatives and give it to the United Nations.

As despicable as these actions are, what is even more distressing to me is how conservatives still treat liberals who support this evil agenda with any level of civility at all.   I am not sure what it will take for Patriotic Americans to realize that we are in a fight for the survival of our country and this begins by kicking dirt on the shoes of liberals and spitting in their face.   The old “Hi, how are you doing”? crap has got to go.   You have to stand up to evil not be kind to it.

So the next time you are near a liberal, treat them accordingly.  Until these evil cretins understand that there are consequences for their evil behavior and it is their behavior if they support any liberal at any time.  The evil liberal path is clear and it leads to the destruction of this country.

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:49 pm

Just another data point showing that the progressive liberals are the party of the elitists.


Clinton will pander for votes from her useful idiots with the refrain "We are going to stick it to the rich hedge fund managers".  However, if she were to get elected she would do exactly what every other lying sack of shite liberal has done and that is continue to support the carried interest tax rate for these political cronies.  That is probably the single biggest tax advantage offered to the rich and it is SOLELY a gift from the lying progressive liberals.

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:06 pm

Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Cartoon15-770x578

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:40 am

Progressive liberal democrats have begun erecting statues of satan to worship.


I hope nobody is surprised by this action.  These people are pure evil and it should come as no surprise who they worship.

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Dr. Evil Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:52 am

Jammer wrote:Progressive liberal democrats have begun erecting statues of satan to worship.


I hope nobody is surprised by this action.  These people are pure evil and it should come as no surprise who they worship.

We have shrines to God up everywhere. Shouldn't they have the same right to their own shrine. That's the thing about a slippery slope. Everybody falls in together.

Dr. Evil

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:12 pm

The only thing worse than EVIL is EVIL that has become emboldened.  For decades the progressive liberals have tried to conceal the fact that they are socialists, perverts and satan worshipers.  However, since these evil cretins have taken over the democrat party they have become so bold that they no longer try to conceal what they are.

We are all witness to the perverted homosexuals and their agenda to hijack morality and decency in this country.  We are facing a 2016 election where a democrat has become so bold that he openly calls himself a socialist.   And now these heathens are erecting monuments to satan.

While it is never wise for anyone to consciously choose to “dance with the devil”.  These are extremely dangerous times as evidenced by the boldness of the EVIL liberal cretins.  Now is the time for good conservatives to confront these assholes wherever you see them.  They live in your neighborhood, point them out to others so that they might know the EVIL that exists in our world.

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Wed Jul 29, 2015 2:46 pm

The lying liberals and the lies they tell are being exposed every day.  Here is just one more that you can file away alongside the lies about global warming.  I have about had it with these assholes and their fake scientists who seem to “dry lab” everything” in order to sell their perverted evil agenda.


In any event, the next time you have some gnarly tasting French fries, just remember who the dumbass liberals are that live on your street.  Not only are they responsible for the shitty tasting food that we are forced to eat, but they are probably exposing you and your family to harmful cancer causing carcinogens.

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:54 pm

Liberal sins set to music:  


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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:54 pm

Add BETRAYAL of America to the laundry list of liberal sins:  


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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Just Braying It Sat Aug 08, 2015 1:37 pm

Did a liberal get your sister pregnant or something?

Just Braying It

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:08 pm

Ham Flower? wrote:Did a liberal get your sister pregnant or something?

YES - HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU KNOW THAT???????????????????? That sin needs to be added to the list.

The only good thing is the kid turned out to be a good conservative unlike my dumbass sister.

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:34 pm

There have been discussions and thought given to many liberal sins at an individual sin level, but when looking at this issue from the top down, how would you describe the liberal sins of this country?  For me the vision becomes quite clear.  Liberals are trying to fundamentally change this country.

These changes at a high level are changing us from: “One nation under God” to “One nation under government”.

But I am sure dumbass liberals will rush in to defend their evil actions.  One of the first things out of their evil lying mouths will be more liberal lies to SPIN our concerns away by saying that Abraham Lincoln said that our government is “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, so who needs God.

Well, it is obvious that the progressive liberal transformation of this country has already replaced “government of the people, by the people, for the people” with “government of the liberal elitists, by the politicians, for the federal government”.

I personally am appalled at how conservatives have stood on the sidelines and let the atheist progressive liberals remove God from our lives and change our country from “One nation under God” to “One nation under government”.

Progressive liberals are evil people and their actions are sinful.

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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:31 pm

Liberal sins are costing Americans not only immense pain and grief but also money and their future prosperity.  Liberal spending beyond our means is causing the national debt to spiral out of control.  Consider the following:

In 1970 EVERY American’s share of our national debt was $6,675.  By 2008 that number had risen to $20,782.  But think about what has happened since then.  A child born today immediately inherits a debt burden of $41,000 as their share of the national debt.

As staggering as that realization is, one only needs to extend the curve based on current trends and projections to forecast where this number is headed.  A child born today that owes $41,000 will owe $91,000 by their 18th birthday.  And by the time they are 24 and getting on their own their share of the national debt will be $142,000.  That is in addition to any student loans they have run up to pay for any education they many have received.

Dumbass liberals will be quick to run in and point a finger at somebody, George Bush being their favorite target.  However, this problem should not be discussed in terms of people but principles.  It is progressive liberal principles that have caused this problem.  Whether a person is a Republican, Democrat or Independent, if they follow progressive liberal principles they will end up with the exact same result.  The progressive liberal principle of borrowing more money to pay your existing debt is not the way out of debt.

Dumbass liberals will also be quick to point out that we just need to TAX people more (and they like to single out the rich).  But consider the fact that in 2015 Americans will spend more money on TAXES than food, clothing and housing combined.  Then consider that 40% of Americans pay zero or very little in taxes, what does that do to the burden of the producers in this country?  

Progressive liberalism is pure evil and it will destroy this country unless we destroy progressive liberalism first.


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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:48 pm


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Name that liberal sin - Page 11 Empty Re: Name that liberal sin

Post  Jammer Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:04 pm

 Something to show all the high school and college students that you know so they can understand just exactly what their cost will be to keep voting for these dumbass liberals.  

Name that liberal sin - Page 11 National-debt-burden-680

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