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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Just Braying It
Dr. Evil
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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Dr. Evil Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:15 pm

Jammer wrote:
Dr. Jones wrote:
Gomezz Adddams wrote:"We've gone from a business model where the cost of production plus a modest return was the goal of an honest business man,  to a 'whatever the market will bear' mentality.  Or they manipulate production to generate the type of revenue they want.  People don't get ahead in an environment that's designed to drain their checking account every month, at least 99% of the population doesn't."

I see the problem. Your brain cell is overheating and you're are concluding that a singular pricing strategy is equivalent to a comprehensive business model. Sorry you lose.

Your argument is so larded with weasel words that it is unintelligible gibberish. Please define "modest" in your corner of the Universe. 

And you obviously fail to realize that 'whatever the market will bear' can also refer to moderate and low pricing as well as high. In market clearing, prices move towards an equilibrium where demand is equal to production. If supply or demand for the goods start to vary, prices will rise and fall to reflect the dynamics of the market. If supply is too high and demand at zero, then the market will clear by reducing the price to zero (throw or give it away). So of course production of a good has to be able to be adjusted to match what the market is setting as a clearing price. 

If people's checking account are being drained every month, then the logical response is to stop buying or switch products. If you can't afford filet, then switch to hamburger. If you can't afford hamburger, mix in some hamburger helper. As suppliers start to see their revenues start to shrink, the market will lower prices. In the case of Shkreli's overpricing his drug, other companies have responded to an opening in the market and started producing an alternative at a price even lower than the price of the drug before Shkreli bought it. Capitalism and a free market at work.

My wife manages the front half of a local pharmacy, supplying the ladies in our great town with their various trinkets, doodads, and forget-me-not's.  She is in charge of purchasing, pricing, and sales.  The pharmacist that owns the place has a long standing markup policy of 100% on most items, and my wife adheres to that.  She gets lots of flack from distributors that she is not high enough, but doubling your money on everything that is sold provides a wonderful living, so much so that we are eagerly awaiting the chance to buy the place.  Why should she ask for more?  Just because someone would be willing to pay more?  Seems pretty petty to me.

Spoken like a typical progressive socialist who doesn’t have a clue on how to run a business let alone where the issue of gross margins fits on an income statement.  All these liberal cretins understand is how to get their unemployment checks, welfare payments, EITC, subsidies and Obama phones.

There is simply no place in a moral and religious society for these evil cretins.  If we are to restore America, liberalism in this country must be eradicated.
Ummmm. No.  Hell no, actually.  This is a 65 year old woman who has run a very successful business for decades.  Try again.

Dr. Evil

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Jammer Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:27 pm

Jackoff Jones is the stupidest piece of dogshit on the face of the earth.  Only he is stupid enough to not realize that when you are playing a game of pin the tail on the jackass, if you feel a pain in your ass, you are the jackass and not some 65 year old woman that nobody has ever heard of.

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Dr. Evil Thu Dec 24, 2015 7:42 pm

Jammer wrote:Jackoff Jones is the stupidest piece of dogshit on the face of the earth.  Only he is stupid enough to not realize that when you are playing a game of pin the tail on the jackass, if you feel a pain in your ass, you are the jackass and not some 65 year old woman that nobody has ever heard of.
Ya, except for the fact that I was explaining how she runs her business,  which has nothing to do with me.  Why would you attack me over the way she chooses to run her very successful business?

Dr. Evil

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Jammer Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:06 pm

Dr. Jones wrote:
Jammer wrote:Jackoff Jones is the stupidest piece of dogshit on the face of the earth.  Only he is stupid enough to not realize that when you are playing a game of pin the tail on the jackass, if you feel a pain in your ass, you are the jackass and not some 65 year old woman that nobody has ever heard of.
Ya, except for the fact that I was explaining how she runs her business,  which has nothing to do with me.  Why would you attack me over the way she chooses to run her very successful business?

You are the most incredibly stupid person I have ever witnessed.   My comment  
 Spoken like a typical progressive socialist who doesn’t have a clue on how to run a business  
had zero to do with how the lady runs her business.  My words clearly referred to the jackass (that would be YOU) making the stupid statement as being clueless.  This latest comment just confirms that a pile of dogshit has a higher IQ than you do.

Now get lost and in the future do not take any of my comments to infer that I have any intention of getting in a dialogue with you.  You are stupid, creepy, selfish, greedy, pure evil and a lying liberal who will say anything that he thinks will advance his evil agenda.  And if that isn’t enough, I don’t like you.

I am sure there is somebody on the face of the earth that will waste their time conversing with you.  But forgive me I have minimum standards and you fall way short you slimy liberal.

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Dr. Evil Thu Dec 24, 2015 8:24 pm

Jammer wrote:
Dr. Jones wrote:
Jammer wrote:Jackoff Jones is the stupidest piece of dogshit on the face of the earth.  Only he is stupid enough to not realize that when you are playing a game of pin the tail on the jackass, if you feel a pain in your ass, you are the jackass and not some 65 year old woman that nobody has ever heard of.
Ya, except for the fact that I was explaining how she runs her business,  which has nothing to do with me.  Why would you attack me over the way she chooses to run her very successful business?

You are the most incredibly stupid person I have ever witnessed.   My comment  
 Spoken like a typical progressive socialist who doesn’t have a clue on how to run a business  
had zero to do with how the lady runs her business.  My words clearly referred to the jackass (that would be YOU) making the stupid statement as being clueless.  This latest comment just confirms that a pile of dogshit has a higher IQ than you do.

Now get lost and in the future do not take any of my comments to infer that I have any intention of getting in a dialogue with you.  You are stupid, creepy, selfish, greedy, pure evil and a lying liberal who will say anything that he thinks will advance his evil agenda.  And if that isn’t enough, I don’t like you.

I am sure there is somebody on the face of the earth that will waste their time conversing with you.  But forgive me I have minimum standards and you fall way short you slimy liberal.
You seem mad.   Maybe you should buy yourself a cape, then you could be Supermad!!

Dr. Evil

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Jammer Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:01 am

I long for the day when all good Americans will see the evil that resides on our very own streets.  Progressive liberalism is pure evil and spreads hatred for the values and principles that made America great.

What the rodent Jackoff Jones tried to do in this thread is what has been going on in this country for over a century.  Jackoff Jones tried to get on his soapbox and shine a light on the evil Martin Shkreli in an attempt to paint his evil ways as that of conservatives.  He pretended to take the high ground and show the world how capitalism allows greedy conservatives to take advantage of the down trodden.  However, there was just one problem; it was all a BIG LIE.  Martin Shkreli is a progressive liberal.

If anyone doubts that this misrepresentation, deception, distortion and outright lying by progressive liberals has been going on for over a century, I urge you to do some research.  I suggest one (but there are many) good starting points is William Randolph Hearst.

William Randolph Hearst was one of the richest men in the country and he was a flaming liberal democrat.  Not only did he support the democrats but he was an activist liberal winning several elections as a democrat and had dreams of being mayor of NYC and the President of the United States.  



It should not be a big surprise that Hearst used his newspaper empire to support the progressive liberal agenda of the democrat party.   Also not a big surprise, that evil ideology is still the passion of most newspapers in this country today.

The hypocrite Hearst attacked all of his political opponents for being greedy and uncaring about the needy in this country.  However, in typical progressive liberal fashion his words never matched his actions.  In fact as we all know, progressive liberals say one thing and do exactly the opposite.

So what were some of the actions of Hearst?  Well I will just let you read about one of the notorious things that he did which led to the famous Newsboy Strike.  Oh yeah, as you read the article below you might be interested to know that his partner in crime Joseph Pulitzer was also a flaming progressive liberal.


But how have most of the students in this country remembered the strikes of that era thanks to our progressive liberal educational system?  Well I think most people will tell you that the kind and generous progressive liberals led a crusade of strikes across America that broke the backs of the greedy capitalist conservatives.  Typical LIBERAL LIES continue to be spread in this country because we have let the evil progressive socialists in this country control the narrative.

So whether it is the evil Marin Shkreli and many of these hedge fund managers who are almost all LIBERALS or the newspaper moguls Hearst and Pulitzer, the stories are very similar.  Little has changed in the last century except there are many more useful idiots like Jackoff Jones standing on his soapbox demeaning good honest Americans and protecting the progressive liberal socialists who would destroy capitalism in this country to enhance their personal wealth.

I don’t know what is more disgusting the evil elitists like Hearst and Shkreli who are leading the progressive socialists or the stupid lowlife useful idiots like Jackoff Jones who support them and their evil agenda.  Regardless, they are PURE EVIL and their evil agenda must be eradicated from America.  Take a stand against evil and their rodents like Jackoff Jones who spread the progressive socialist agenda.

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Darth Cheney Fri Dec 25, 2015 7:56 pm

Keep shining your light on the cockroaches Jammer...you are directly over the target. I too find it extremely frustrating how the left controls the message through the liberal media. They have destroyed this country with their ideals then as soon as it starts collapsing they scream see...see what capitalism does! They are the spawn of Satan himself and people need to open their eyes.
Darth Cheney
Darth Cheney

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Gomezz Adddams Fri Dec 25, 2015 10:15 pm

Dr. Jones wrote:
Gomezz Adddams wrote:"We've gone from a business model where the cost of production plus a modest return was the goal of an honest business man,  to a 'whatever the market will bear' mentality.  Or they manipulate production to generate the type of revenue they want.  People don't get ahead in an environment that's designed to drain their checking account every month, at least 99% of the population doesn't."

I see the problem. Your brain cell is overheating and you're are concluding that a singular pricing strategy is equivalent to a comprehensive business model. Sorry you lose.

Your argument is so larded with weasel words that it is unintelligible gibberish. Please define "modest" in your corner of the Universe. 

And you obviously fail to realize that 'whatever the market will bear' can also refer to moderate and low pricing as well as high. In market clearing, prices move towards an equilibrium where demand is equal to production. If supply or demand for the goods start to vary, prices will rise and fall to reflect the dynamics of the market. If supply is too high and demand at zero, then the market will clear by reducing the price to zero (throw or give it away). So of course production of a good has to be able to be adjusted to match what the market is setting as a clearing price. 

If people's checking account are being drained every month, then the logical response is to stop buying or switch products. If you can't afford filet, then switch to hamburger. If you can't afford hamburger, mix in some hamburger helper. As suppliers start to see their revenues start to shrink, the market will lower prices. In the case of Shkreli's overpricing his drug, other companies have responded to an opening in the market and started producing an alternative at a price even lower than the price of the drug before Shkreli bought it. Capitalism and a free market at work.

My wife manages the front half of a local pharmacy, supplying the ladies in our great town with their various trinkets, doodads, and forget-me-not's.  She is in charge of purchasing, pricing, and sales.  The pharmacist that owns the place has a long standing markup policy of 100% on most items, and my wife adheres to that.  She gets lots of flack from distributors that she is not high enough, but doubling your money on everything that is sold provides a wonderful living, so much so that we are eagerly awaiting the chance to buy the place.  Why should she ask for more?  Just because someone would be willing to pay more?  Seems pretty petty to me.

Really? Using markup to determine profits is crazycakes accounting. You should be using gross margin when calculating profits because markup overstates the profitability of the transaction. Markup percentage is the difference between the actual cost and the selling price, while gross margin percentage is the difference between the selling price and the profit. By using gross margin pricing you can improve your bottom line by 3%. 

There are other factors that come into play when setting a selling price than just cost. The challenge is to find a price that will optimize your profits while remaining competitive. Sheesh!
Gomezz Adddams
Gomezz Adddams

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Dr. Evil Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:29 pm

Gomezz Adddams wrote:
Dr. Jones wrote:
Gomezz Adddams wrote:"We've gone from a business model where the cost of production plus a modest return was the goal of an honest business man,  to a 'whatever the market will bear' mentality.  Or they manipulate production to generate the type of revenue they want.  People don't get ahead in an environment that's designed to drain their checking account every month, at least 99% of the population doesn't."

I see the problem. Your brain cell is overheating and you're are concluding that a singular pricing strategy is equivalent to a comprehensive business model. Sorry you lose.

Your argument is so larded with weasel words that it is unintelligible gibberish. Please define "modest" in your corner of the Universe. 

And you obviously fail to realize that 'whatever the market will bear' can also refer to moderate and low pricing as well as high. In market clearing, prices move towards an equilibrium where demand is equal to production. If supply or demand for the goods start to vary, prices will rise and fall to reflect the dynamics of the market. If supply is too high and demand at zero, then the market will clear by reducing the price to zero (throw or give it away). So of course production of a good has to be able to be adjusted to match what the market is setting as a clearing price. 

If people's checking account are being drained every month, then the logical response is to stop buying or switch products. If you can't afford filet, then switch to hamburger. If you can't afford hamburger, mix in some hamburger helper. As suppliers start to see their revenues start to shrink, the market will lower prices. In the case of Shkreli's overpricing his drug, other companies have responded to an opening in the market and started producing an alternative at a price even lower than the price of the drug before Shkreli bought it. Capitalism and a free market at work.

My wife manages the front half of a local pharmacy, supplying the ladies in our great town with their various trinkets, doodads, and forget-me-not's.  She is in charge of purchasing, pricing, and sales.  The pharmacist that owns the place has a long standing markup policy of 100% on most items, and my wife adheres to that.  She gets lots of flack from distributors that she is not high enough, but doubling your money on everything that is sold provides a wonderful living, so much so that we are eagerly awaiting the chance to buy the place.  Why should she ask for more?  Just because someone would be willing to pay more?  Seems pretty petty to me.

Really? Using markup to determine profits is crazycakes accounting. You should be using gross margin when calculating profits because markup overstates the profitability of the transaction. Markup percentage is the difference between the actual cost and the selling price, while gross margin percentage is the difference between the selling price and the profit. By using gross margin pricing you can improve your bottom line by 3%. 

There are other factors that come into play when setting a selling price than just cost. The challenge is to find a price that will optimize your profits while remaining competitive. Sheesh!
Thx so much Gomerr.  Big belly Ho-Ho-Ho's like that really keep the Christmas spirit alive.  I suppose you like to fight over whether the glass is half empty or half full as well.  You must be a real hoot at a party.  Anywho, if you don't like the way she does things you'll have to take it up with her.  Good luck, she's on vaca in California.

Dr. Evil

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Dr. Evil Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:46 pm

Jammer wrote:I long for the day when all good Americans will see the evil that resides on our very own streets.  Progressive liberalism is pure evil and spreads hatred for the values and principles that made America great.

What the rodent Jackoff Jones tried to do in this thread is what has been going on in this country for over a century.  Jackoff Jones tried to get on his soapbox and shine a light on the evil Martin Shkreli in an attempt to paint his evil ways as that of conservatives.  He pretended to take the high ground and show the world how capitalism allows greedy conservatives to take advantage of the down trodden.  However, there was just one problem; it was all a BIG LIE.  Martin Shkreli is a progressive liberal.

If anyone doubts that this misrepresentation, deception, distortion and outright lying by progressive liberals has been going on for over a century, I urge you to do some research.  I suggest one (but there are many) good starting points is William Randolph Hearst.

William Randolph Hearst was one of the richest men in the country and he was a flaming liberal democrat.  Not only did he support the democrats but he was an activist liberal winning several elections as a democrat and had dreams of being mayor of NYC and the President of the United States.  



It should not be a big surprise that Hearst used his newspaper empire to support the progressive liberal agenda of the democrat party.   Also not a big surprise, that evil ideology is still the passion of most newspapers in this country today.

The hypocrite Hearst attacked all of his political opponents for being greedy and uncaring about the needy in this country.  However, in typical progressive liberal fashion his words never matched his actions.  In fact as we all know, progressive liberals say one thing and do exactly the opposite.

So what were some of the actions of Hearst?  Well I will just let you read about one of the notorious things that he did which led to the famous Newsboy Strike.  Oh yeah, as you read the article below you might be interested to know that his partner in crime Joseph Pulitzer was also a flaming progressive liberal.


But how have most of the students in this country remembered the strikes of that era thanks to our progressive liberal educational system?  Well I think most people will tell you that the kind and generous progressive liberals led a crusade of strikes across America that broke the backs of the greedy capitalist conservatives.  Typical LIBERAL LIES continue to be spread in this country because we have let the evil progressive socialists in this country control the narrative.

So whether it is the evil Marin Shkreli and many of these hedge fund managers who are almost all LIBERALS or the newspaper moguls Hearst and Pulitzer, the stories are very similar.  Little has changed in the last century except there are many more useful idiots like Jackoff Jones standing on his soapbox demeaning good honest Americans and protecting the progressive liberal socialists who would destroy capitalism in this country to enhance their personal wealth.

I don’t know what is more disgusting the evil elitists like Hearst and Shkreli who are leading the progressive socialists or the stupid lowlife useful idiots like Jackoff Jones who support them and their evil agenda.  Regardless, they are PURE EVIL and their evil agenda must be eradicated from America.  Take a stand against evil and their rodents like Jackoff Jones who spread the progressive socialist agenda.
Ooooh, sure, some dude over 100 years ago blah, blah, blah, fukcing, blah.  You know,  back before most Americans had cars, running water,  or indoor plumbing, and Democrats were government hating secessionists that thought blacks were an inferior race.  Ooh how things have changed.

Dr. Evil

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  nightlight88 Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:19 am

Dr. Jones wrote:
Jammer wrote:I long for the day when all good Americans will see the evil that resides on our very own streets.  Progressive liberalism is pure evil and spreads hatred for the values and principles that made America great.

What the rodent Jackoff Jones tried to do in this thread is what has been going on in this country for over a century.  Jackoff Jones tried to get on his soapbox and shine a light on the evil Martin Shkreli in an attempt to paint his evil ways as that of conservatives.  He pretended to take the high ground and show the world how capitalism allows greedy conservatives to take advantage of the down trodden.  However, there was just one problem; it was all a BIG LIE.  Martin Shkreli is a progressive liberal.

If anyone doubts that this misrepresentation, deception, distortion and outright lying by progressive liberals has been going on for over a century, I urge you to do some research.  I suggest one (but there are many) good starting points is William Randolph Hearst.

William Randolph Hearst was one of the richest men in the country and he was a flaming liberal democrat.  Not only did he support the democrats but he was an activist liberal winning several elections as a democrat and had dreams of being mayor of NYC and the President of the United States.  



It should not be a big surprise that Hearst used his newspaper empire to support the progressive liberal agenda of the democrat party.   Also not a big surprise, that evil ideology is still the passion of most newspapers in this country today.

The hypocrite Hearst attacked all of his political opponents for being greedy and uncaring about the needy in this country.  However, in typical progressive liberal fashion his words never matched his actions.  In fact as we all know, progressive liberals say one thing and do exactly the opposite.

So what were some of the actions of Hearst?  Well I will just let you read about one of the notorious things that he did which led to the famous Newsboy Strike.  Oh yeah, as you read the article below you might be interested to know that his partner in crime Joseph Pulitzer was also a flaming progressive liberal.


But how have most of the students in this country remembered the strikes of that era thanks to our progressive liberal educational system?  Well I think most people will tell you that the kind and generous progressive liberals led a crusade of strikes across America that broke the backs of the greedy capitalist conservatives.  Typical LIBERAL LIES continue to be spread in this country because we have let the evil progressive socialists in this country control the narrative.

So whether it is the evil Marin Shkreli and many of these hedge fund managers who are almost all LIBERALS or the newspaper moguls Hearst and Pulitzer, the stories are very similar.  Little has changed in the last century except there are many more useful idiots like Jackoff Jones standing on his soapbox demeaning good honest Americans and protecting the progressive liberal socialists who would destroy capitalism in this country to enhance their personal wealth.

I don’t know what is more disgusting the evil elitists like Hearst and Shkreli who are leading the progressive socialists or the stupid lowlife useful idiots like Jackoff Jones who support them and their evil agenda.  Regardless, they are PURE EVIL and their evil agenda must be eradicated from America.  Take a stand against evil and their rodents like Jackoff Jones who spread the progressive socialist agenda.
Ooooh, sure, some dude over 100 years ago blah, blah, blah, fukcing, blah.  You know,  back before most Americans had cars, running water,  or indoor plumbing, and Democrats were government hating secessionists that thought blacks were an inferior race.  Ooh how things have changed.

Some things never change, Democrats are still black hating racists who think blacks cannot be successful without government intervention.

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  BladeRunner Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:32 am

nightlight88 wrote:

Some things never change, Democrats are still black hating racists who think blacks cannot be successful without government intervention.


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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Darth Cheney Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:07 pm

BladeRunner wrote:
nightlight88 wrote:

Some things never change, Democrats are still black hating racists who think blacks cannot be successful without government intervention.


90% of blacks believe it also...never really left the plantation.
Darth Cheney
Darth Cheney

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  nightlight88 Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:49 am

Darth Cheney wrote:
BladeRunner wrote:
nightlight88 wrote:

Some things never change, Democrats are still black hating racists who think blacks cannot be successful without government intervention.


90% of blacks believe it also...never really left the plantation.

Those 10%-ers who do succeed are called oreo, uncle tom, etc by the white liberals and the other 90% of blacks.

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  BladeRunner Tue Jan 12, 2016 8:41 am

nightlight88 wrote:
Darth Cheney wrote:
BladeRunner wrote:
nightlight88 wrote:

Some things never change, Democrats are still black hating racists who think blacks cannot be successful without government intervention.


90% of blacks believe it also...never really left the plantation.

Those 10%-ers who do succeed are called oreo, uncle tom, etc by the white liberals and the other 90% of blacks.

Same with the Native Americans on the Rez. The perfect example of what dependence on the gubment will do for you.

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Darth Cheney Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:03 pm

BladeRunner wrote:
nightlight88 wrote:
Darth Cheney wrote:
BladeRunner wrote:
nightlight88 wrote:

Some things never change, Democrats are still black hating racists who think blacks cannot be successful without government intervention.


90% of blacks believe it also...never really left the plantation.

Those 10%-ers who do succeed are called oreo, uncle tom, etc by the white liberals and the other 90% of blacks.

Same with the Native Americans on the Rez. The perfect example of what dependence on the gubment will do for you.

I wish all liberals could spend a year there and experience their utopia first hand...
Darth Cheney
Darth Cheney

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Dr. Evil Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:35 am

Shkreli was scheduled to speak on behalf of Republicans along with a right wing commentator. It's pretty obvious who's side he's on...

UC Davis protesters prevent talk by right-wing commentator

Dr. Evil

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Dr. Evil Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:01 am

Just in case there was still any question(as if there should have been Rolling Eyes) which side this turd in the punch bowl played for:


Dr. Evil

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Jammer Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:10 pm

Dr. Evil wrote:Martin Shkreli quits as Turing CEO

This POS bought the rights to a life saving pharmaceutical, then turned around and jacked the price up over 5,000%.  It wasn't even his own research.  This hack just leached off of someone else's work.  Now the evil government is cracking down on this fraud.  Maybe he should be Trump's "Joe the Plumber" in the next election cycle. 

This is why healthcare costs are sky high in the US.  This is why nobody can afford to live in the US, period.  This is why we are a country of haves and have not's.  This is why a minimum wage increase wouldn't help, because we don't have an income problem, we have an expense problem.


It is sickening to listen to the useless morons rant about the evils of capitalism and the greedy rich conservatives who make huge sums of money while the poor struggle to make a living wage.  Today’s headlines tell a different story from what the lying liberal Jackoff Jones is always trying to paint.  Take a look at the DISGUSTING LIBERALS MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS all the while their minions scream about HARD WORKING CONSERVATIVES being the greedy Americans and not wanting to pay more in taxes to help subsidize their parasitic lifestyles.



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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Shortie's Ex Thu Aug 02, 2018 8:47 am

Jammer wrote:


It is sickening to listen to the useless morons rant about the evils of capitalism and the greedy rich conservatives who make huge sums of money while the poor struggle to make a living wage.  Today’s headlines tell a different story from what the lying liberal Jackoff Jones is always trying to paint.  Take a look at the DISGUSTING LIBERALS MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS all the while their minions scream about HARD WORKING CONSERVATIVES being the greedy Americans and not wanting to pay more in taxes to help subsidize their parasitic lifestyles.

More lies and purposeful deception by the Bloviator in Chief here at JSI.

Warren Buffet pays income taxes (nearly $1.9M for 2015, 16% effective rate; indicates that his tax rate is lower than anyone else in his office including his secretary; argues that tax code coming out of Washington should require for him to pay more).

And he gives mightily to charity - more than $2.85B for 2015, a very small portion as deductible on his income tax bill.
CNN Money wrote:"The total charitable contributions I made during the year were $2,858,057,970, of which more than $2.85 billion were not taken as deductions and never will be. Tax law properly limits charitable deductions."

Shortie's Ex
Shortie's Ex

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Shortie's Ex Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:29 am

Jammer wrote:


It is sickening to listen to the useless morons rant about the evils of capitalism and the greedy rich conservatives who make huge sums of money while the poor struggle to make a living wage.  Today’s headlines tell a different story from what the lying liberal Jackoff Jones is always trying to paint.  Take a look at the DISGUSTING LIBERALS MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS all the while their minions scream about HARD WORKING CONSERVATIVES being the greedy Americans and not wanting to pay more in taxes to help subsidize their parasitic lifestyles.

AFA the politics of Jeff Bezos, you will find many accounts which classify him as "right wing libertarian" - socially liberal, but in favor of business and privatization (sounds like a good South Dakota RepubIican!).

You criticize his stance on social issues. 
But TBH, Jeff Bezos probably quaifies as a candidate as a member of Dr Evil's Capitalism Hall of Fame.  Because of the way that Amazon benefits from government policy - business and tax policy; the enormous wealth that Bezos gains as a stockholder of Amazon; the contribution of his personal situation to to wealth inequality in the US; not to mention the anti-competitive and anti-worker business practices of Amazon.
Shortie's Ex
Shortie's Ex

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Darth Cheney Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:24 pm

Shortie's Ex wrote:
Jammer wrote:


It is sickening to listen to the useless morons rant about the evils of capitalism and the greedy rich conservatives who make huge sums of money while the poor struggle to make a living wage.  Today’s headlines tell a different story from what the lying liberal Jackoff Jones is always trying to paint.  Take a look at the DISGUSTING LIBERALS MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS all the while their minions scream about HARD WORKING CONSERVATIVES being the greedy Americans and not wanting to pay more in taxes to help subsidize their parasitic lifestyles.

More lies and purposeful deception by the Bloviator in Chief here at JSI.

Warren Buffet pays income taxes (nearly $1.9M for 2015, 16% effective rate; indicates that his tax rate is lower than anyone else in his office including his secretary; argues that tax code coming out of Washington should require for him to pay more).

And he gives mightily to charity - more than $2.85B for 2015, a very small portion as deductible on his income tax bill.
CNN Money wrote:"The total charitable contributions I made during the year were $2,858,057,970, of which more than $2.85 billion were not taken as deductions and never will be. Tax law properly limits charitable deductions."


Leftists really are morons...

Tax rates are the same for every American except societal slugs who not only don't pay anything but actually receive check from Big Daddy government as a reward for being worthless. Buffet gets to claim deductions and losses like everyone else. He has created his wealth by maximizing his investments for his investors and himself. If that means he structures HIS assets to keep more of HIS hard earned money so be it. His investments are worth Billions, which also pays taxes liberals don't mention, and he is actually very frugal on what he takes out as income. He plays by the same rules every American plays by established by liberal politicians. If he pays less than his secretary who the hell cares...it is his money not the benevolent feral governments. His numerous business holdings pay millions upon millions in taxes to support lazy leftists. I wish there was a way to let them starve to death without stinking up the streets. Stop being morons and educate yourselves.
Darth Cheney
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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Jammer Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:48 pm

Darth Cheney wrote:
Shortie's Ex wrote:
Jammer wrote:


It is sickening to listen to the useless morons rant about the evils of capitalism and the greedy rich conservatives who make huge sums of money while the poor struggle to make a living wage.  Today’s headlines tell a different story from what the lying liberal Jackoff Jones is always trying to paint.  Take a look at the DISGUSTING LIBERALS MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS all the while their minions scream about HARD WORKING CONSERVATIVES being the greedy Americans and not wanting to pay more in taxes to help subsidize their parasitic lifestyles.

More lies and purposeful deception by the Bloviator in Chief here at JSI.

Warren Buffet pays income taxes (nearly $1.9M for 2015, 16% effective rate; indicates that his tax rate is lower than anyone else in his office including his secretary; argues that tax code coming out of Washington should require for him to pay more).

And he gives mightily to charity - more than $2.85B for 2015, a very small portion as deductible on his income tax bill.
CNN Money wrote:"The total charitable contributions I made during the year were $2,858,057,970, of which more than $2.85 billion were not taken as deductions and never will be. Tax law properly limits charitable deductions."


Leftists really are morons...

Tax rates are the same for every American except societal slugs who not only don't pay anything but actually receive  check from Big Daddy government as a reward for being worthless. Buffet gets to claim deductions and losses like everyone else. He has created his wealth by maximizing his investments for his investors and himself. If that means he structures HIS assets to keep more of HIS hard earned money so be it. His investments are worth Billions, which also pays taxes liberals don't mention, and he is actually very frugal on what he takes out as income. He plays by the same rules every American plays by established by liberal politicians. If he pays less than his secretary who the hell cares...it is his money not the benevolent feral governments. His numerous business holdings pay millions upon millions in taxes to support lazy leftists. I wish there was a way to let them starve to death without stinking up the streets. Stop being morons and educate yourselves.

Well one of the parts of the tax code that Buffet uses that most taxpayers don’t is the charitable donation carry-forward feature.  He often gives large sums of money which exceeds the amount of deduction that he can claim in that year.  Because he donates appreciated stock (capital gains), his deductions are only allowed to 30% of his adjusted gross income.  However, the amount that cannot be deducted can be carried forward for up to 5 years and used in future years.

The US Tas Code wrote:   Limitations on Deductions
In general, contributions to charitable organizations may be deducted up to 50 percent of adjusted gross income computed without regard to net operating loss carrybacks.  Contributions to certain private foundations, veterans organizations, fraternal societies, and cemetery organizations are limited to 30 percent adjusted gross income (computed without regard to net operating loss carrybacks), however. Tax Exempt Organization Search uses deductibility status codes  to indicate these limitations.

The 50 percent limitation applies to (1) all public charities (code PC), (2) all private operating foundations (code POF), (3) certain private foundations that distribute the contributions they receive to public charities and private operating foundations within 2-1/2 months following the year of receipt, and (4) certain private foundations the contributions to which are pooled in a common fund and the income and corpus of which are paid to public charities.

The 30 percent limitation applies to private foundations (code PF), other than those previously mentioned that qualify for a 50 percent limitation, and to other organizations described in section 170(c) that do not qualify for the 50 percent limitation, such as domestic fraternal societies (code LODGE).

A special limitation applies to certain gifts of long-term capital gain property.  A discussion of that special limitation may be found in Publication 526, Charitable Contributions.

He tends to be hypocritical often when he claims that he donated a huge sum of money but didn’t claim any or hardly any of it as a deduction.  I suspect that what he is doing is using deductions that he has been carrying forward (and the same 30% limitation still applies) and then doesn’t use the donations for that year because he can not only carry them forward, but they also have a longer “shelf life” as the clock starts ticking on those and he has a full 5 years remaining on them, whereas the prior carry-forward amounts might be about to expire. So, if you hear him claiming that he doesn't take a tax deduction for his charitable contribution in any given year, you need to look at the "fine print".  I suspect he is not telling the whole story.

I have learned to NEVER EVER BELIEVE A LIBERAL – ANY LIBERAL, they are usually not telling you the full truth.

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Shortie's Ex Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:37 pm

Darth Cheney wrote:
Shortie's Ex wrote:
Jammer wrote:


It is sickening to listen to the useless morons rant about the evils of capitalism and the greedy rich conservatives who make huge sums of money while the poor struggle to make a living wage.  Today’s headlines tell a different story from what the lying liberal Jackoff Jones is always trying to paint.  Take a look at the DISGUSTING LIBERALS MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS all the while their minions scream about HARD WORKING CONSERVATIVES being the greedy Americans and not wanting to pay more in taxes to help subsidize their parasitic lifestyles.

More lies and purposeful deception by the Bloviator in Chief here at JSI.

Warren Buffet pays income taxes (nearly $1.9M for 2015, 16% effective rate; indicates that his tax rate is lower than anyone else in his office including his secretary; argues that tax code coming out of Washington should require for him to pay more).

And he gives mightily to charity - more than $2.85B for 2015, a very small portion as deductible on his income tax bill.
CNN Money wrote:"The total charitable contributions I made during the year were $2,858,057,970, of which more than $2.85 billion were not taken as deductions and never will be. Tax law properly limits charitable deductions."


Leftists really are morons...

Tax rates are the same for every American except societal slugs who not only don't pay anything but actually receive  check from Big Daddy government as a reward for being worthless. Buffet gets to claim deductions and losses like everyone else. He has created his wealth by maximizing his investments for his investors and himself. If that means he structures HIS assets to keep more of HIS hard earned money so be it. His investments are worth Billions, which also pays taxes liberals don't mention, and he is actually very frugal on what he takes out as income. He plays by the same rules every American plays by established by liberal politicians. If he pays less than his secretary who the hell cares...it is his money not the benevolent feral governments. His numerous business holdings pay millions upon millions in taxes to support lazy leftists. I wish there was a way to let them starve to death without stinking up the streets. Stop being morons and educate yourselves.

Who cares ?  I think Mr Buffett is indicating that he cares.  
I realize this will be an odd concept for South Dakota knuckle-draggers such as you.  But, there are employers who genuinely care for their employees and desire to treat them well (pssst, it is a competitive advantage in gaining and retaining employees in an ultra-competitive labor market - you know, that free market economy which you claim to embrace). This was a message which was delivered to the dude @ Trail King in Mitchell who retained less than 1% of employees which were brought to him by a state government program.

And I think Mr Buffett is indicating that the policies ('rules' as you state) need to change in order that his effective tax rate is more similar to that of his secretary.
Shortie's Ex
Shortie's Ex

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If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame.... - Page 2 Empty Re: If Capitalism had a Hall of Fame....

Post  Shortie's Ex Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:52 pm

Jammer wrote:
Darth Cheney wrote:
Shortie's Ex wrote:
Jammer wrote:


It is sickening to listen to the useless morons rant about the evils of capitalism and the greedy rich conservatives who make huge sums of money while the poor struggle to make a living wage.  Today’s headlines tell a different story from what the lying liberal Jackoff Jones is always trying to paint.  Take a look at the DISGUSTING LIBERALS MAKING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS all the while their minions scream about HARD WORKING CONSERVATIVES being the greedy Americans and not wanting to pay more in taxes to help subsidize their parasitic lifestyles.

More lies and purposeful deception by the Bloviator in Chief here at JSI.

Warren Buffet pays income taxes (nearly $1.9M for 2015, 16% effective rate; indicates that his tax rate is lower than anyone else in his office including his secretary; argues that tax code coming out of Washington should require for him to pay more).

And he gives mightily to charity - more than $2.85B for 2015, a very small portion as deductible on his income tax bill.
CNN Money wrote:"The total charitable contributions I made during the year were $2,858,057,970, of which more than $2.85 billion were not taken as deductions and never will be. Tax law properly limits charitable deductions."


Leftists really are morons...

Tax rates are the same for every American except societal slugs who not only don't pay anything but actually receive  check from Big Daddy government as a reward for being worthless. Buffet gets to claim deductions and losses like everyone else. He has created his wealth by maximizing his investments for his investors and himself. If that means he structures HIS assets to keep more of HIS hard earned money so be it. His investments are worth Billions, which also pays taxes liberals don't mention, and he is actually very frugal on what he takes out as income. He plays by the same rules every American plays by established by liberal politicians. If he pays less than his secretary who the hell cares...it is his money not the benevolent feral governments. His numerous business holdings pay millions upon millions in taxes to support lazy leftists. I wish there was a way to let them starve to death without stinking up the streets. Stop being morons and educate yourselves.

Well one of the parts of the tax code that Buffet uses that most taxpayers don’t is the charitable donation carry-forward feature.  He often gives large sums of money which exceeds the amount of deduction that he can claim in that year.  Because he donates appreciated stock (capital gains), his deductions are only allowed to 30% of his adjusted gross income.  However, the amount that cannot be deducted can be carried forward for up to 5 years and used in future years.

The US Tas Code wrote:   Limitations on Deductions
In general, contributions to charitable organizations may be deducted up to 50 percent of adjusted gross income computed without regard to net operating loss carrybacks.  Contributions to certain private foundations, veterans organizations, fraternal societies, and cemetery organizations are limited to 30 percent adjusted gross income (computed without regard to net operating loss carrybacks), however. Tax Exempt Organization Search uses deductibility status codes  to indicate these limitations.

The 50 percent limitation applies to (1) all public charities (code PC), (2) all private operating foundations (code POF), (3) certain private foundations that distribute the contributions they receive to public charities and private operating foundations within 2-1/2 months following the year of receipt, and (4) certain private foundations the contributions to which are pooled in a common fund and the income and corpus of which are paid to public charities.

The 30 percent limitation applies to private foundations (code PF), other than those previously mentioned that qualify for a 50 percent limitation, and to other organizations described in section 170(c) that do not qualify for the 50 percent limitation, such as domestic fraternal societies (code LODGE).

A special limitation applies to certain gifts of long-term capital gain property.  A discussion of that special limitation may be found in Publication 526, Charitable Contributions.

He tends to be hypocritical often when he claims that he donated a huge sum of money but didn’t claim any or hardly any of it as a deduction.  I suspect that what he is doing is using deductions that he has been carrying forward (and the same 30% limitation still applies) and then doesn’t use the donations for that year because he can not only carry them forward, but they also have a longer “shelf life” as the clock starts ticking on those and he has a full 5 years remaining on them, whereas the prior carry-forward amounts might be about to expire. whew, I gotta' take a breath after reading this rather lengthy run-on sentence from the JSI Bloviator in Chief.  Let's be candid. You suspect nothing.  Just as you really know nothing about the way that a successful man like Mr Buffett thinks and operates.  So, if you hear him claiming that he doesn't take a tax deduction for his charitable contribution in any given year, you need to look at the "fine print".  I suspect he is not telling the whole story.

I have learned to NEVER EVER BELIEVE A LIBERAL – ANY LIBERAL, they are usually not telling you the full truth.

Hey Mr Red Jammer,

You missed this part of the CNN Money piece -
CNN Money wrote:Indeed, Buffett added, "I have paid federal income tax every year since 1944, when I was 13. (Though, being a slow starter, I owed only $7 in tax that year.) I have copies of all 72 of my returns and none uses a carryforward."

72 tax returns and not a single carryforward.
Shortie's Ex
Shortie's Ex

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